Welcome to Kin Keepers' Haven

Connection is the antidote to capitalism and systems of oppression.

Join Our Haven

Why Kin Keepers' Haven?

Kin Keepers dream of a world where every living being has equal access to the necessities of life, including laughter, rest, creativity, joy, and justice.

What's in it for you? 

Capitalism and all systems of oppression rely on our disconnection - from our bodies, our ancestry, from nature and from each other - for their survival.

When we slow down and listen to our bodies, to nature, and to each other, we remember our enoughness, we remember our needs, and can ask for them to be met, we are able to sustainably give from an overflowing cup, to support each other, and thrive.

Connection is the antidote to capitalism and systems of oppression.

The Kin Keepers’ Haven is a space for us to remember and relearn our connection to ourselves, our communities, our environment, and each other;
a space to disarm the influences of systems of harm in our behavior and relationships;

so we can return to a place where every living being has equal access to abundance, joy, justice, and liberation.

When You Join Today

When you join today as a Founding Member, you will have access to the Kin Keepers’ Haven space to connect, conspire, and collaborate together. 

We will begin in December with Intentional Holidays - an exploration of how to celebrate the holiday season with intention and ease.

Beginning in the New Year, we will be rolling out modules and offerings designed to support your nervous system, unlearn capitalism, and foster connections, including spaces to:

  • Honor Your Ancestry and Lineage (hosted by Trevia)
  • Become Self-Centred by untangling the voices of capitalism from your authentic voice with trauma-informed teachings and somatic practices (hosted by Janine)
    Support each other in moving through grief (cohosted by Trevia and Janine)
  • Step into your agency and power as an elder in the Caucus of Crones (hosted by Janine and open to members aged 50 and over)

And more as we move through a slow yes and follow the breadcrumbs together.

Join hosts Trevia Woods & Janine Bertolo in the Kin Keepers’ Haven to unlearn the messages of capitalism and embrace interdependence with a slow and delicious yes.

We can’t wait to meet you inside!